Code of Conduct

Ucalsa’s General Code of Conduct reflects the reference values and general principles that govern our business activities and which must be followed. In our commitment to good governance, transparency and ethical behaviour, we have procedures aimed at promoting an upright attitude at all levels of the organisation and control to prevent, detect and, where appropriate, eradicate any corrupt practice.

Sustainable company

Ucalsa is committed to sustainability in all business areas and in relations with its stakeholders, both internal and external: workers, clients, collaborators, suppliers, etc. involving both the management and the entire organisation. It believes in comprehensive sustainability in every sense of the word, striving for the common well-being and taking responsibility for maintaining a low impact on the environment and local culture.

Committed to the SDGs

Ucalsa has incorporated into its business strategy and its corporate governance system the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Correlation of the 10 principles of the Global Compact with the Sustainable

Development Goals

Ucalsa’s Excellence and Sustainability policy aims to promote an upright attitude at all levels of the organisation and transfer the principles of sustainable development to all areas of the company and stakeholders (Suppliers, Clients, Partners, Employees, Collaborators, Unions, Friendly Societies, Certifiers and International Organisations).

Clients and International Organisations

Continuous improvement and innovation of processes are resources to achieve service excellence. Ucalsa works to ensure an adequate service for its clients, promoting new comprehensive and adapted solutions that meet their expectations and demands.

Suppliers and Collaborators

The relationship with this stakeholder is based on contracting procedures that guarantee fairness and transparency. Ucalsa supervises the efficiency of the purchasing processes and adequate contractual performance, also guaranteeing compliance with applicable regulatory and legislative requirements. It also extends the social responsibility commitment to its suppliers and contracted companies by incorporating the ethical, environmental and social principles established by the United Nations Global Compact into tenders and contracts.


The company’s environmental priorities, set out in our General Sustainability Plan, focus on identifying, evaluating and managing impacts on the environment, to establish measures to:

  • Reduce our CO2 emissions.
  • Achieve greater energy efficiency.
  • Manage waste more responsibly.
  • Develop products and services with less environmental impact


Ucalsa aims to foster among its employees a management model and inclusive style of leadership that promotes diversity, creativity, innovation and plurality of ideas, as a true long-term competitive advantage. More than 1,500 employees (70% women and more than 20 nationalities) make Ucalsa a reference in the sector.

We believe in our people

Ucalsa aims to foster among its employees a management model and style of leadership that promotes the richness of the plurality of ideas, demands and perspectives, as a true long-term competitive advantage.

CSR: Regulatory improvements

Employee training and awareness in work health and safety is essential for the successful implementation of the occupational risk prevention strategy. Risk assessment is a basic prevention element that extends to all centres and workstations to identify all unavoidable risks that may affect the health and safety of employees, in addition to establishing priorities in their control.

Work health and safety policy

We implement a comprehensive preventive policy that promotes measures such as risk assessment reviews, preventive action planning, health promotion campaigns and new prevention training models.

Improvement training

Ucalsa disseminates information designed to meet the strategic needs of the business and professional development of its employees. The ultimate aim is to provide an excellent service and support the new product offering, in accordance with the company’s transformation plan.

Gender equality

Ucalsa’s Equality Plan is designed to promote social and labour strategies through dialogue, promoting equal opportunities between men and women, with the purpose of addressing and treating those needs and deficiencies arising in the different groups. Ucalsa, as a pioneering company in female labour integration and a benchmark company in effective equal opportunities for men and women, is expressly committed to gender equality.

We create local value

In all our projects we incorporate the creation of value in the community where they are implemented. While it carries out its mission, prioritising the hiring of local personnel, acquiring local raw materials, carrying out training campaigns and developing community action programmes in support of the sustainable economy, at the end of the contracting period, we favour the reuse of facilities for new local use.

Ucalsa, safe organisation

At Ucalsa we are committed to supporting all our employees and working with our suppliers and clients to minimise the risks and impacts resulting from SARS-CoV-2. For this we have prepared an internal action plan to ensure that we follow all the official recommendations and we have raised still further our hygiene and quality standards to look after our clients and protect the health of our workers.

In addition, we have been awarded the Madrid Guarantee Seal, Identification of Compliance Measures and Solidarity Action of exceptional quality for our commitment to the Prevention and Minimisation of the risks caused by COVID-19.

This seal encapsulates Ucalsa’s commitment to offering the best service and is summarised in the following message:

“Ucalsa cares for you and your loved ones.”

Certificates and awards

Ucalsa has a comprehensive management system based on the European excellence model EFQM, which allows the application of the continuous improvement cycle to all the organisation’s activities and areas. All our comprehensive management systems are focused on the clients, our employees and on the continuous improvement of processes, allowing us to become more effective and efficient, as well as increase their satisfaction.

SA 8000:2014
Corporate Social Responsibility Management

Commitment to the 10 Global Compact principles in areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

Registration of carbon footprint and commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Reports and documentation